The Shop

Buy it or make it?

Item of the month in my shop.

I bounce between two thoughts when I am looking through blogs, Pinterest and Etsy, "I could so make that!" and "I wish I could just buy that!" With Cellar and Conservatory, I hope to bring the best of both worlds to my readers. Here on the journal there will be many tutorials about how I have made different projects, I will always include a list of supplies and helpful hints.  In my shop, I will supply some of these products that I have made for those times you don't feel like having the DIY experience or if time is a factor.  At a young age I realized that the joy of creating and teaching was important for me and now as an art teacher I find joy in my students having success in their own creative process.  My hope is that I can bring some of the love of teaching to this website through the tutorials and creating to the shop.  If you have any ideas or question about my tutorials and products, please email me at .

Mini ceramic buttons in the Cellar and Conservatory Etsy shop.

Purple handmade buttons at Cellar and Conservatory Esty page. 

The Shop

When you visit the shop at you will find one product listed. This is my product of the month.  I will have a special price on my page for my readers and a tutorial to tell how to make it yourself in my journal.  All of my other items will be listed on my Etsy page. Here you will find all of my products, make sure to check it often for updates and specials! 

Envelope planter/memo holder from Cellar and Conservatory Esty page. 

Ceramic envelope succulent planter at Cellar and Conservatory Esty shop.